With due homage to the dignity of multi-disabled children & ensure their esteemed survival \boosting enabling environment for them – S Y S has taken up implementing home-based programme in integration to other actions. This is virtually an innovative but congenial approach of identifying the inner best of children and initiating their potential in best manner to make them man of cognizable esteem and response. S Y S has initiated its effort in this context since 1.9.2004 throw’ door to door survey in Bhapur Block and identified 25 children with Multi-disable Children in the age group of 6-14 years. This initiative got the shape of a proper impetus ever since 1.2.2005 .It was great pleasure in year 2017-18 the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Dept. of Empowerment of persons with disabilities division, Govt. of India, New Delhi has pleased to sanction Grant-in-Aid to this Home Based Rehabilitation Programme /Home Management Programme. we are grateful to the said Ministry. During this year In this Project 20nos of nos of PWDs we identified for this project.

During this year different physiotherapy support devices and exercises had been undertaken i.e. on motor skills, sensory training, ADL, Orientation and mobility, communication and social skills, Pre-vocational skills – to mention a few. The support service is followed by door to door family counselling by the special educators that makes the process more effective. This activity has initiated following positive results as yet.